Four Gifts of Health for your child this Childrens’ day

It's Childrens’ Day - celebrated on the Birthday of our second President Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. In India, a day dedicated to Children, a day to celebrate childhood and a day to teach children in a fun way.
As parents, we may be selecting some gifts too for our children on this special day. This year, let's look at some unique gifts that can be presented to our children - some tangible and some intangible - but each tailored to gift some aspect of Health.
India reels under the burden of chronic degenerative diseases like obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Our youth have the very strong risk of developing these unless thoughtful interventions can be done right from childhood - the key being those of a good diet and lifestyle schedule.
So, this Childrens' Day, let's decide to give our children health.
What gifts could we offer...?
1. The Gift of a Health and Fitness Role Model:
Are you wondering who that Role Model could be?