5 Worrisome Things that Happen to Your Child if Breakfast is Missed

The Importance of Breakfast for a Child
Let us take the scenario of a typical bustling household – Pandemic or no pandemic, the situation remains the same. The mom in the kitchen, finishing chores before she sits down/ or leaves for her work. The children need to be readied for school, lunch packed or ready, a quick breakfast on the table and all are then set for their routines.
But, let us stop here a moment, pause and reflect, did everyone in the home eat the first meal of the day well? Were they nourished? What did the children eat – be they school going children and teenagers or college going almost adults.
When we play that household morning rush hour film back again in slow motion… Oh! The realisation creeps up on us that Breakfast could have been better. Children in many households do not consume breakfast or they consume an inadequate breakfast. There are a myriad excuse turned reasons to look at:
School is too early