Dear Self: A Valentine’s Day Love Letter to Embrace Menopause and Self-Care

Importance of Love, Self-love and Self-care;

Women are bombarded with a lot of messages about their menstrual cycle. They are told to be careful, that they should not be too active, and that they should avoid all the things they love to do. This is not true. Women should embrace their period because it is a time of happiness and balance. “I don’t wanna wait any longer. I’m ready to live my life.” – Maya Angelou.

The menstrual cycle is an important part of women’s health and well-being, but it doesn’t get the attention it deserves in society. Instead, women are often made to feel ashamed or embarrassed about their bodies during this time of the month. Menstrual cycle makes a woman healthier and more connected to her body. It is all thanks to the menstrual cycle. The maintenance of the normal bodily functions is contributed by our regular menstrual cycle. Often we tend to not give enough credit to our body for the amount of pain it takes to protect us.

Valentine’s day is just round the corner, and this article brings to you a dose of self-love prescription! Especially for the women approaching menopause and their physical and emotional battle.

What is the connection between self-care and reducing menopause-related stress?

As much as our menstrual cycle is a blessing, it becomes equally difficult for one to accept menopause. Menopause is a natural process that happens to all women, regardless of how long they have been menstruating. It typically happens between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can happen earlier or later.

  • The hormonal changes that happen during menopause can create a number of physical and emotional challenges for women. During this period, caring for your body and accepting the menopause can help reduce several menopause related stress. In this article, you will learn about self-care tips to deal with menopause.

How can I love and accept my changing body during menopause?

In order to cope with the challenges of menopause, women should turn to self-care practices such as meditation, exercise, and journaling. One way in which women will be able to take care of themselves is by writing a love letter to their bodies. These letters allow them to express gratitude for their changing body while also giving them an outlet for the emotions they experience during this time period.

Dear Self,
Here’s to all the times you help me heal, grow and learn to adapt. I am grateful to be able to take care of you, as it is the smallest way to give back. Being a woman I am blessed with the most beautiful health and body. To take care of you is equal to caring for mother nature. To my menstrual cycle, I can’t express how much I love you. You have been a part of who I am for so long, and now I couldn’t imagine life without you. You were a blessing from the Divine in the very best way possible. I’m so glad that, even though we are separated for four days out of every month, we still find ways to connect with one another. You made me feel like myself every single day despite all your changing moods and physical changes. I resist going anywhere without you anymore because it is lonely without you around. You are my best friend and I thank you for being such a strong and important part of my life.  As a woman, I am proud of you for accepting menopause. It is a natural part of your life, and it is never too late to embrace yourself again. You deserve happiness, so stop sacrificing your needs for someone else’s happiness and start living with love towards  yourself! From this day forward, try to find your own peace from menopause. It will not happen overnight, but if you start small by being gentle with yourself every day then gradually progress you should see changes happening soon enough! Take care of yourself by reading this article and make it a priority to focus on yourself as much as possible.   (Authored by our budding nutritionist Ms. Asmita Jaiswal)

How does self-love help with the symptoms of menopause?

Menopause can be a tough time for women. It is not just about the physical changes that happen to your body, but also the emotional and mental toll it takes on you. Let us learn about some common symptoms of Menopause that one may experience:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Irregular periods or absence of periods altogether
  • Vaginal dryness or dryness and itchy skin
  • Mood swings
  • Depressed mood

Apart from these symptoms, Menopause can cause a number of physical changes to occur in a woman’s body including: Difficulty sleeping, fatigue, increased risk of heart disease, repetitive headaches and migraines, cold hands and feet, and decreased sex drive.

Self-love is not just the words you express towards your body, but also the actions you take. Let us look at some frequent symptoms and the ways to manage the same.

  1. What are the best ways to manage weight gain during menopause?

Menopause is a natural part of life. Symptoms of menopause may bring fluctuations in your body weight. It doesn’t mean you have to go hungry or deprive yourself of certain foods. Here are some tips on how to manage your weight during menopause.

  • Eat more vegetables and fruits: Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water and fiber, which helps with digestion. They also give you a lot of nutrients that can help with your moods too.
  • Drink plenty of water: Water helps you feel full and hydrated, which in turn helps with metabolism and weight loss. You should aim for at least eight glasses per day.
  • Eat whole grains: Whole grains are high in fiber, which can help keep you feeling fuller for longer periods of time without adding too much calories into your diet.
  • Use spices liberally: Spices like cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, oregano, thyme, ginger root can help create a variety of healthy dishes that taste great too!
  1. How can I manage hot flashes and night sweats during menopause?

The term “hot flash” is often associated with menopause. It’s thought that hot flashes may be due to the drop in estrogen levels during menopause. The hottest part of a hot flash usually lasts for about 30 seconds, then it goes away. Mostly the body temperature will return back to normal and there may be no other apparent symptoms.

If you are experiencing hot flashes or night sweats during menopause, there are some steps you can take to help manage them:

  • If possible, avoid caffeine and alcohol
  • Do not overheat yourself or your home
  • Use air conditioners and fans to keep the temperature in your home cool.
  • Try wearing light clothing for sleeping at night preferable loose breathable garments.
  • Blankets can trap heat in the bedding.
  • Exercise helps to decrease stress which can also help reduce hot flashes.
  • Nevertheless, avoid overheating through exercise or vigorous activity right before sleep time.
  1. How can I manage my symptoms of anxiety and depression during menopause?

There are many ways to help with anxiety and depression during menopause. Here are some tips on how you can manage your symptoms:

  • Make sure you get enough sleep every night – this will help you feel more rested during the day and reduce your risk for depression.
  • Take breaks from social media – social media can be an outlet for anxiety or depression so try not to use it too much if you’re feeling down.
  • Find other sources of support – talk to friends or family members who may be able to provide support when needed. .
  • Eat balanced meals – eating a balanced diet that includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and nuts will provide you with essential nutrients and help to regulate mood.
  • Exercise regularly – some physical activity can be beneficial for the mind and body. Find something that you enjoy doing and make sure to build up to a level of moderate intensity over time so it doesn’t lead to overuse injuries. .
  • Take time to relax – try deep breathing, listening to soothing music or taking a hot bath.
  • Meditate – this is an easy way to get a break from daily stress and anxiety so you can regain control of yourself and your thoughts.

Are there any specific diets recommended for menopause? A balanced diet is preferred, as the body undergoes a transition during menopause. We should know that the estrogen hormone reduces in a woman, which is considered as one of the protective hormones of a woman. Thus, postmenopausal females tend to be highly at risk of lifestyle diseases. To prevent metabolic diseases one needs to adapt healthy eating habits.

Crucial dietary changes to incorporate during menopause-

  1. The first dietary change is a daily dose of vitamin D. This vitamin helps with hormone regulation and immune system function, as well as bone health and muscle strength. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to increased risk for osteoporosis-related fractures, depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline.
  2. The second dietary change is eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like walnuts, salmon, and flaxseeds. These fats are good for brain function because they have anti-inflammatory properties, they can help with mood swings, memory loss, and even protect against dementia in older adults who consume them regularly. They also have antioxidant properties that help reduce inflammation throughout the body which can lead to heart disease or cancer prevention. Additionally, consuming healthy omega-6 fat intake through the use of olive oil, nuts and seeds.
  3. The third dietary change is decreasing sugar intake by not eating sweets, soda, fruit juice, and other sweetened beverages. Studies have shown that these drinks can increase risk for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.
  4. Consuming enough probiotic sources of foods such as yogurt, kanji drinks, kefir, and dhokla. Also, prebiotic foods like oats, guar gum and fruits. These will help maintain the gut health and the pH of the stomach. Consumption of pro and prebiotics help in prevention of several gut issues.
  5.  Incorporation of  specific foods will help – Soyabeans, methi seeds, adequate magnesium from nuts and whole grains will aid in addressing the issues of menopause

Along with these dietary changes, one should have a daily activity routine to help increase brain function. It can help in prevention of several neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Diet and incorporation exercise can also help in prevention of heart related diseases. Holistic approach during dealing with menopause will provide a smooth transition.

We at know that there are a thousand questions still teeming in your mind. You may be grappling with who to ask it to and how to ask it. Fear Not, we are here to addres your queries.Do wirte in to us with your needs and questions and let us help you.

Let’s finish with a poem on self-love an self-care titled Clouds…(Authored by Vibha Hasija – a piece from her next collection of poems Love and her Sisters)

Life, I know how short you are…

Portioned by time into two parts

One before the awakening

A darkness when we have closed the blinds 

and quiver in the dark

Brailling our way through the what we must dos

Treasuring the blindfolds, we are born with

Self hypnotising into believing ourselves small

Allowing us to be judged by scales ignorant to the weights we carry

We scurry from closet to closet hunting for happiness

And one after the awakening

When we have shattered our windows to greet the sun

and we bathe in broad daylight 

When we allow the bonsai in us to grow into a forest

We turn a gladiator armed with kindness

and we cradle the being we are in the vastness of potentials

When we stand tall and realise that we are palms and mountains

We find joy in being the whole of what we are meant to be

And then is when I tell God

Oh! Dear Divine

I dance on pianos


You will keep my music playing!

So Dear Reader, whether this article is meant for you or a loved one- the message is the same…Self love, care honour and respect is the way to go. Honour, cherish and revere yourself, take utmost care

And for everything that’s about Nutrition …We are here!

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