Fenugreek – A superfood for the betterment of the body!

Introduction to the Indian superfood- Methi (Fenugreek)-

Indian superfoods are considered the best sources of nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. They have been used for centuries in India and have amazing benefits that you should know about. Indian superfoods are like the secret ingredients that make up the Indian diet. Some of these foods are fenugreek, garlic, ginger, turmeric, etc. They help in regulating blood sugar levels, improve digestion, and prevent diseases such as diabetes or cancer.

• Methi (fenugreek) is a plant that has been used in Indian cooking for centuries. It has a lot of health benefits. Methi seeds and leaves are commonly used in curries and other dishes. Methi is also known as fenugreek or fresh fenugreek leaves.
• Methi seeds are mainly used in cooking as a spice and methi leaves are mainly used in cooking as an herb or garnish. Methi is believed to have many health benefits such as decreasing blood sugar levels, and cholesterol levels, improving digestion, reducing inflammation, and preventing tumors from forming.

How do Indians use fenugreek?

Methi leaves are commonly used in Indian cooking. The leaves are dried and then ground into a powder which is used to flavor dishes. Methi seeds are also used in cooking, either whole or ground. Methi leaves can be added to vegetables, rice, lentils, dal, and many more dishes. They have a slightly bitter taste but this can be offset by adding more spices like cumin seeds or asafetida powder. Methi seeds can be added to lentils and dal dishes before they are cooked or they can be ground into a paste just before serving with the meal.

  • The leaves are also used to infuse flavor into the dish while the seeds add a crunchy texture. In India today there is a growing demand for healthy food with natural ingredients that can be prepared easily at home without using too many spices or exotic ingredients.
  • It makes methi seeds a popular addition to Indian dishes because they are easy to find in most grocery stores and they can be used in so many different types of dishes without any special preparation or cooking skills required by the cook.

Age-old acceptance of methi seeds-

Methi seeds have been traditionally used in Indian cuisine for centuries. They are known to have many health benefits and are consumed in a variety of ways. Methi seeds are traditionally used as a spice, herb, and food in India. The use of methi seeds is mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic texts such as Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita which date back to the 1st or 2nd century BC. Methi seeds are commonly used in Indian cooking as a spice and herb.

  • Methi seeds are also used as an ingredient in various dishes. They may be ground and mixed with other ingredients or roasted before being ground for use.
  • Methi microgreens – which means the seeds sprouted into a baby plant – Green methi leaves can be used as a vegetable in curries and stir-fries. They are often eaten raw and are also served with hot, spicy dishes.
  • Methi leaves have a sour taste that is somewhat similar to tamarind pulp when they are raw and have a sweet taste when they are cooked. Methi leaves can be added to soups or highly spiced dishes to add an unripe flavor and green color.

What are the health benefits of methi seeds?

Methi seeds are replete in antioxidants, micronutrients, fiber, and pre-biotics (substances that help balance out the gut bacteria) and so are amazingly beneficial for many conditions:

  • Helps lower cholesterol levels.
  • Helps to manage blood sugar levels in patients suffering from diabetes.
  • Acts as a natural diuretic and is good for kidney health.
  • Rich in magnesium which helps relax muscles, promotes sleep quality and improves digestion.
  • Rich in folic acid which is important to cell growth and tissue growth/repair of the body by supporting the development of red blood cells, hemoglobin, white blood cells, and myelin sheath that surrounds nerves, among other things.

Role of fenugreek in the prevention of 2 type diabetes-

Diabetes Mellitus, a disease that is caused by the body cells not responding to insulin, is one of the most common causes of death in India. It has been proved through research that Fenugreek can help decrease the risk of diabetes and thus, it has been recommended as part of a dietary approach for people with this condition. Research studies point to the use of fenugreek can support the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity in people with this disorder.

How does fenugreek work for people living with diabetes and obesity?

  • Fenugreek is a plant that contains compounds that have been found to have anti-diabetic properties.
  • It has been shown to reduce the risk of high blood sugar and control blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. The role of fenugreek in the prevention of 2 type diabetes can be due to the active ingredients it contains such as flavonoids and saponins which help stabilize blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and improve insulin sensitivity in the body.
  • Fenugreek is also used as part of a diet for people who are trying to lose weight with its effect on blood sugar regulation. •
  • Fenugreek seeds can also assist in reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels thus reducing the risk for heart disease

What does fenugreek do for the female body?

  • Fenugreek seeds have been traditionally used in the treatment of irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, infertility, and menopause symptoms.
  • Methi may help improve lactation in breast milk production by providing additional calcium and protein that allows the breasts to maintain adequate levels of these nutrients for milk production.
  • Methi may help decrease inflammation in the breast to allow for faster healing after breast surgery as well as help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, including breast cancer and prostate cancer.
  • Methi helps decrease free radicals in the body to prevent oxidative stress and aging-related diseases.

How effective is fenugreek for men?

Fenugreek can be effective in treating men with erectile dysfunction (ED) or low libido. The limited research on fenugreek has not shown evidence that it is effective in treating ED, but there are a few studies that have found it to be effective. Fenugreek is a dietary supplement that can help in the treatment of depression and low libido, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

What are the beauty benefits of methi seeds?

• Methi seeds have been used traditionally to treat skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis, as well as hair loss due to dandruff. They can also be applied topically to soothe dry skin and reduce inflammation caused by eczema or dermatitis. • Methi seeds can be used to make a paste that is applied on the skin and left to dry. They can also be ground up into a fine powder, mixed with warm water and honey, or soaked in milk before being applied. topically. Methi seeds have an astringent effect and can be used to reduce excess oil secretion on skin, so it is recommended for those with acne-prone or oily skin.

Other potential benefits of fenugreek seeds-

The seed extract is being studied for the treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease. The seed has been traditionally used to treat inflammation and skin conditions, menstrual disorders, headaches, acne, and fatigue. The seed is also being studied for use as a possible treatment for ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

Note: Who should avoid methi seeds?

These seeds have been found to cause some side effects in some people including stomach pain and diarrhea. So, if you have a history of stomach pain or diarrhea, you should avoid methi seeds until your symptoms subside. Further, you should know that they won’t affect you negatively in the long run.

What is the most effective way to take fenugreek?

  • A robust flavourful vegetable made with methi in combination with other vegetables is the best way to use methi leaves. From a spiced, garlic-laden methi aloo to a mild soothing methi mutter to unusual methi capsicum – there are myriad interesting ways to prepare this nourishing vegetable.
  • Fresh Fenugreek leaves make a wonderful ingredient for pulaos and parathas as well as puris and khakhras. Daals can be given a richer flavor with methi leaves
  • Dried methi leaves known as Kasuri Methi adds a dash of flavor to many vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. It brings out the palatability, especially in combination with whole lentils, paneer, or chicken.
  • Methi seeds are used in many dishes on a daily basis in India. Methi is often added to curries during the cooking process which has a mixture of spices like curry powder, turmeric powder, cumin seeds, and coriander seeds. Methi seeds can also be effectively used in recipes after sprouting the seeds, which reduces the bitterness.

Here is how you can sprout your methi seeds- Methi seeds can be sprouted in a variety of ways: in a jar, on a plate, on paper towels, or even in the sieve.

The process of sprouting the methi seeds takes about three days. After three days, the methi sprouts will be ready to use and can be consumed raw or cooked as per your preference. To sprout the methi seeds, let the water boil for about 10-15 minutes, and then place your methi seeds into it. Place them in a bowl and leave them overnight. Rinse the water the next day and place the seeds in a sieve. You can see the seeds sprout in a day or two.

  • Once sprouted, the seeds can be cooked in several ways. One way is to sauté them in oil for a few minutes before adding them to soups, salads, or other dishes. Many recipes such as toasted sprouted methi salad. Methi seed sprouts can be eaten raw by adding them to sandwiches or used as a garnish for soups and stews.

Now, We know the benefits, when, how, and who should eat Fenugreek (Methi).So, we would like to share special Methi recipes curated for you!😍

So dear Health enthusiast, what are we waiting for? ?🤔

Let us feature methi leaves at least in two main meals per week, let us sprout methi seeds and look at various ways to use them.

Let us get the children to grow and harvest methi microgreens and is a vegetable that can be converted into a mean stir fry.

We at Nutritionwithvibha.com believe in the power of foods to create sustainable pathways to health.

Food is and can be our medicine – both to promote health and t prevent disease!

So let’s say – Methi Zindabad! 💪 And plan to add methi to our daily dose of health.

Write to us to nutritionwithvibha@gmail.com with the unique recipes that you have tried out and let us feature them on our website with your name.

Stay Nourished!

Stay Blessed

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